¨ This project was made to bring new tools for rhythm conceptualization, creation and execution, to musicians and people with curiosity about rhythmical and aesthetical development in general.
This course is a compilation of alternative aproaches, based on several cultures from all around the globe, that gives an easy entrance to contents that I see as fundamental objects in Rhythmic development.
The plan is to build ourselves a repertoire of basic elements.
Basic because they are the base.
Like the foundations of a building. Like the grip of a tree’s root to the ground. Things that are beneath and that are meant to gain hight.
Para cada uno de estos nos valdrémos de un enfoque diferente, extraido de una cultura espécifica. la cual há sido elégida por su estrecho contacto con dicho contenido.
This course is meant to make our toolbox more complete. To harden and soften (according to each case) the rhythmic groundings of each attendant’s music. Unbuild systems and build new connections. Time, pulse, independence, groove, weight. And after this, one clear goal: To show ourselves that is possible to work in a serious, deep and organic way WITHOUT INSTRUMENTS AND WITHOUT THE TRADITIONAL NOTATION.
To put one’s body into the music, or let the music into one’s body. The plan is to use rhythm, the most basic tool as a take off platform.
Jonatan Szer